Planned Boundary Changes
March 2, 2023 – Here is some information in an effort to keep you informed about boundary changes at Argyle School and Ethel Milliken School to help manage the growing enrolments at Harbour Landing School.
March 2, 2023 – Here is some information in an effort to keep you informed about boundary changes at Argyle School and Ethel Milliken School to help manage the growing enrolments at Harbour Landing School.
We have now moved to using the Edsby, 'River of News' for the home of the Week at a Glance.
If you are a parent at Argyle School, and you will have returned your paperwork, you have access to Edsby and can find everything you need right there.
NOVEMBER 17, 2022 -- We welcome and encourage family and friends to volunteer in our school communities. Volunteer participation is an important complement to the work done by employees.
At the same time, Regina Public Schools is responsible to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students and staff. For this reason, all volunteers who provide services to students on a recurring, scheduled basis, or who are present in a school on a recurring, scheduled basis prior to 6:00 p.m. on school days, require an original Criminal Record Check (CRC), including a vulnerable sector check.
The CRC must be provided by the Regina Police Service or, if the volunteer does not reside in Regina, from their local police agency, such as the RCMP.
3215 Lakeview Ave.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 1G8
Ph: (306) 523-3790
F: (306) 523-3031