Our School

School History and Demographics

Argyle School was opened in 1954 in the southwest area of the city. A quote from the Leader-Post at the

time stated, the “six-room, modernistic school was turned over to W. Peart, chairman of the public

school board ...” Since then, Argyle School has expanded to include a full complement of classrooms,

resource centre, gymnasium and teacher preparation areas. In addition, Argyle School has established several

community partnerships. The Gator Park Day Care provides services to our community and the Regina

community at large.

The community is attractive with well-maintained housing in the immediate area of the school. With

Regina Public School Board’s decision to merge the Argyle and Athabasca attendance areas in 2011, the

school has seen a considerable increase in student enrolment starting in 2011-2012—a trend which has

continued on a yearly basis. On April 17, 2023, the "new Argyle" opened it's doors with close to 400 students. In Fall 2023, Argyle and St. Pius School celebrated the grand opening of the shared facility. In Fall 2024, there is an anticipated enrollment of 500 students.

School Programs and Services

Argyle Elementary School offers two full-day kindergarten programs and 18 - Grades 1 to 8 classrooms.

Kindergarten to Grade 8 are taught in alignment with the Ministry of Education Curricula.

Including teaching assistants, there are over 40 instructional staff members at Argyle School.   There is an EAL support teacher, a teacher

librarian, a learning resource teacher, six teacher assistants, a French specialist, a band director, a structured learning teacher, and an Arts Ed.

specialist teacher. We also have an administrative assistant and a facilities technician.

We offer an array of supports and programs: School Counselor

services, Speech & Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist support and School

Resource Officer (Regina Police Service).

School Governance Structure

Argyle Elementary School staff are very responsive to the needs of learners and the community; leadership

is shared by all. The students are represented by a Student Representative Council that is voluntary and highly involved in decision making around student initiatives. The Argyle

School Community Council is elected at its' annual AGM and is composed of voting

parents/community members, the principal, and five teachers. Many other families are involved in SCC

undertakings and there is great pride in the school and school community.