Welcome to Argyle School!
We believe Argyle School is an incredible place to learn, grow, and pursue success!
Registrations for Kindergarten are now being accepted for the 2025-2026 school year!
Children who have turned 5 by December 31, 2025 are eligible to attend Kindergarten.
All Kindergarten classes run full days either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday and rotating Fridays.
Here are the steps to register your child:
1.Complete Registration Forms click HERE
2. Please email your registration form to argyle@rbe.sk.ca You will hear back from the school to let you know we have received the form. Please ensure you leave a valid email address. We will use this email address to send communication about all things Kindergarten!
3.To ensure Argyle is your home school or if you would like to know if your child qualifies for transportation please visit the following link: School Enrolment Area. If your home address is outside of our school boundaries please complete a Request for School Enrollment Exemption Form.
4. If you are new to Canada, please email the Welcome Centre at nwc@rods.sk.ca for further registration support.
5. Check us out on Twitter @argyleschoolSK or on Facebook - Argyle SCC
6. See further information about Kindergarten in Regina Public Schools HERE
7. We will host a Kindergarten Open House in the Spring. Further information will be shared via email.
Any questions? Please contact (306) 523-3790 or email argyle@rbe.sk.ca