Thank you to everyone for welcoming all of our staff and students during the first few weeks of this school year. Staff at Argyle School are so impressed with the enthusiasm of our students and the commitment of our families. We all play an important part in every child’s education and working together is the key to success. Keeping staff and students safe throughout the school day is our top priority.
Please read below for safe school procedures
School Hours
8:35 Supervision begins on the playground
8:50 Classes begin
10:30 - 10:45 Morning recess
11:45 Lunch dismissal
12:30 – 12:45 Lunch recess
12:45 Afternoon classes begin
2:15 – 2:30 Afternoon recess
3:40 Dismissal
Playground supervisors are on site from 8:35-8:50, from 10:30-10:45, from 12:30-12:45, and from 2:15-2:30. For children that arrive earlier than 8:35 (with the exception of early bus students) or 12:30, they will not be under adult supervision. Please note that our Office is closed from 11:45-12:30. If students return during the lunch period, they are asked to go directly to the playground.
School Attendance
Regular attendance is important. When a student must miss school, it is important to notify the office. Please enter the absence in Edsby, send an email at argyle@rbe.sk.ca or leave a message at 306-523-3790. As well, if students must leave school during school hours, please call the school or enter a note in Edsby. Finally, if someone that is not listed as one of your child’s contacts is picking up your child, please call the school prior to pick up. To ensure safety, we will not release a child without being in communication with you. To ensure the safe arrival of all students we adhere to the following procedure: Teacher’s report absences by 9:15 and 1:00 daily. If the school has not been notified of an absence, we will attempt to contact parents/guardians through Edsby and at the contact numbers provided.
If a student becomes ill or injured while at school, we will notify families and will take action in accordance to the families’ wishes. Please ensure that the school is notified as soon as possible if there is a change in telephone number, address, or other pertinent information. If a problem arises with either irregular or tardy attendance, the home will be contacted. Together, we can help to ensure both regular and punctual attendance.
Picking Up or Dropping Items Off for Your Child During the School Day
Our front door is open at all times during the school day, but all other outside doors are locked. We ask all visitors to the school to use the front doors, call the Office as needed and someone will assist you. If you must pick up or drop off children or their supplies during the day, we appreciate you checking in to the Office and following these procedures.
Emergency Preparedness Practice
We have reviewed safe school procedures with students and have had two evacuations. In October and November, we will continue practicing emergency preparedness procedures and drills. Students practice school evacuation drills to ensure we know how to get out of the school in the case of an emergency. Staff have talked to students about what to do in the case of a school lockdown and in November, in cooperation with Ecole St.Pius, we will practice our first one. During a lockdown, students remain secured in their classrooms until it is deemed safe by staff or police to release students. The students will stay quiet and follow the direction of staff to stay safe. Our School Resource Officer, Cst. Madison Pawliw and other members of Regina Police Service will assist with this practice. Throughout the year, Cst. Pawliw will meet with students in classrooms and talk to them about the importance of practicing these drills and how we work together to keep everyone safe. Throughout the year, we will also practice a Secure the Building where the doors to the school are locked but students go through the school day as usual. Students and staff are not able to leave the school until direction of the Regina Police. We will also talk to students about inclement weather drills. Staff rehearse each drill with students throughout the year. Please note if a school lockdown drill is practiced, you will be notified the same day so you can have follow up discussions at home.
Picking-Up and Dropping-Off Students
Parents and caregivers of Argyle School work hard to protect their children as they come to and from school. Help us to keep all of our students safe by not stopping in our NO STOPPING ZONE in the front of the school. This area, on Lakeview Avenue, is reserved for our school busses. Parking beside pylons is not helpful or safe. Also, please DO NOT MAKE U-TURNS in front of the school. Vehicles parked in no parking/no stopping zones may be ticketed. Parents and caregivers should NOT be coming into the staff parking lot at any time for pick up or drop offs. This area is for staff only. For a quick drop off, families are able to access the loop at the front of the school. Otherwise, we ask families to please park or stop in the designated spots on the street. Encourage and teach your child to use the marked crosswalk to ensure their safety.
Thank you in advance in helping keep everyone safe at Argyle School.