Police Information Checks (PICs)
All volunteers are required to be active during a 12-month period to be considered active volunteers. With this in mind, and, given the length of time volunteers have been out of our facilities, we will require all volunteers to produce an original, clear Police Information Check (PIC) and Vulnerable Sector Check prior to volunteering in a school. Any person providing services to students on a recurring scheduled basis requires an original PIC. Any person supervising students on their own (even just once) also requires an original PIC. This includes individuals involved with extra-curricular activities. PICs must be applied for well in advance of school activities to ensure they are in place when required.
PICs and Vulnerable Sector Checks must be either city police or RCMP and specific to volunteering for Regina Public Schools. The applicant can either apply at the local police station (by appointment only) or online https://reginapolice.ca/2019/03/available-now-criminal-record-checks-online/ . If you require a letter to present at an in-person appointment, please contact Mrs. Adams. Also, our School Office keeps an updated list of volunteers with Police Information Checks. If in doubt, please call or email argyle@rbe.sk.ca or call Mrs. Caldwell at 306-523-3790.